Visual Catpro

Barcode Label Printing Setting

After clicking on 'F6: Configure' in Barcode window following screen shall appear.


The above window is divided in four parts:

1.     Page Setup
2.     Label Setup
3.     Label Header
4.     Label Footer

Page Setup:
In Page setup we have to specify margins and size of page.

Label Setup:
In Label setup we have to specify margins, size, font size of Label. The Barcode Height and Barcode width can be specified against their relevant prompt. Following 5 sizes are available to specify the size of barcode

Label Header:
In Label header we have to specify the database field name. The Label header will be printed before the barcode bars. Use r1 recordset to print the database fields on labels as shown in above barcode label configuration window. You may also mention '<B>' to bold the value and <H1>, <H2>, <H3> to change the size of the text.
e.g. to bold the style no. field specify '<B> r1("styleno")'.

Label Footer:
Label footer is similar to Label Header. The difference between label header and label footer is, label header is printed before the Barcode Bars and label footer is printed after the barcode bars.