Visual Catpro

Data Updation Screen Colors

In case of data updation screens like Voucher Updation, Data Forms, Invoicing, Opening Balances certain default colors are used. These default colors are used when you make data entry w.r.t. financial year pertaining to system date. In case you make data entry of immediate previous year. Data entry screens shall be in pink color. The following table shows the various colors that are used to indicate that you are making data entry in a year other than current financial year.
Financial Year Relating to System  Date
Current Financial Year
Default Color
First Previous Year
Second Previous Year
Other Previous Years

In Visual Catpro 2009 master information is also maintained year wise. Hence a new account opened in current year shall not be visible in previous year and vice versa. To give an indication of which year you are updating master information, a thin border of the above mentioned colors shall appear in master updation module. This applies to Stock master as well.